"Hey everyone, Exekeal here to tell you how totally awesome and kickass I am. Today on my way to work I totally drop kicked this kid in the face cuz he called me a noob. LOL!!11!! Then I like totally said to his mom, hey baby! She was like omfg! ROLF!1!1!! I know I am so totally bad ass, thast why my 3 internet girlfriends love me and send me pictures of there boobies"
Is it just me or are you tired of people who talk like this on there blogs? You would think these people are joking but upon asking a few of them, they are dead in there convictions that they are bad ass. I mean honestly has the bar been lowered so far that anyone with a keyboard and a free hand not on there crotch can call them selfs a bad ass on the internet?
This shit is getting out of hand, I hope the next person who writes about how awesome they are has a sudden power surge in their house. Then they can die in front of there computer with their dick in hand, covered in burnt piss and shit.
The whole purpose of blogging has been lost on the idiotic user base of the internet community. A blog should be a discussion of artist views, scientific thoughts, new or factual information based on hobbies. Not a five paragraph bullshit story because your recharging after visiting porn sites for the last four hours.
Yea I might be crossing the line into bitching, but honestly... aren't you tired of these frauds? Come on... you know you are.